We live in a world where condoning cruelty to animals is the new normal. Animals such as dog , cat , horse etc have been very good companions of humans from the very start. What we get from them is LOYALTY and what they get from us is CRUELTY . In the next few minutes i am gonna give you a brief idea about animal cruelty,why does it takes place and how can we stop this.
1) What is animal cruelty or animal abuse ? Animal cruelty is the abuse towards or neglect of an animal , some aspects of animal cruelty involves purposefully putting animals in situation that harm scare and terrorize them , while other simply result from people looking other way. According to report , every 60 seconds one animal suffers abuse , every year more than 10 million animals die from abuse in US alone and surprisingly close to 65% of all abused animals are dogs ,so i must say be it human being or animal the loyal one suffers the most.
2) Why does it takes place ?
The main reasons(which cannot be acknowledged) behind animal cruelty is anger of humans,to increase profit margins of animal products based firms and some times it happens for fun also ,yes! For fun ,many people find it interesting and pleasurable to abuse animals and now after getting bored by abusing animals they (lecherous mens) started sexually assaulting them Alas! Don’t know in which direction our civilization is moving . Are we even civilized ? Have you ever wondered what your daily glass of milk contains – vitamins, proteins and lots of cruelty on cows. If we keep cow slaughter aside then many thinks that cow is safe in India but you will be shocked after knowing how milk industry works in India . Two years of investigation and study reveals brutal practices of Indian milk industry. The study reveals that there has been violation of Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals Act (PCA), 1960 , transport rule ,1978 and many more. The study says “in wild the cattle lives up to 20 years ,but these cruel practices cause their bodies deteriorate at the age of just four” . Claves snatched from their mother just some days after birth ,cows being hit by chains sticks or sold to slaughter house after drop in milk production , around 75% dairy farmers admitted when there is a drop of 1-2 litres in milk production then animals are sent to slaughter house. Reproduction in dairy farms does not takes place naturally they use artificial insemination which also causes pain to cows . Oxytocin- hormone which cause uterus to contract and also banned by government is use to increase milk production , this hormone also reduces their life span. Now, if slaughter houses are taken into account , animals are not stunned before being butchered. They are skinned alive . Animals are brutally beaten in slaughter house, they don’t even give them a respectful and less pain suffering death , what they do is they see them(animals) as commodity that need to chopped and served as early as possible to make profit. There is also violation of laws inside slaughter house that’s why making videos inside it is restricted so as to make us believe that the meat we eat is slaughtered and process with care and animals have suffered less. 3) How to bring change!!
We need to spread awareness about this whole scenario among people and have to change their perspective and have to develop empathy for animals , moreover we need revamped and more strict laws for animal abuse this is the only way forward . Currently laws are not so strict to stop animal cruelty. For instance, in India The Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals Act (PCA) ,1960 currently stipulates a penalty ranges from Rs 10 to Rs 50 for any act of cruelty against animals . Are you serious! That is even a fine , not wearing a helmet charges more than that. Do you think penalty in this act can stop one from committing crime against animals? Definitely not. So this all boils down to strict laws , stricter the laws lesser the crimes .Best example of this is Switzerland , it is regarded as best place for animals to live because Switzerland has the most strict laws for animal safety and prevention around the world. Therefore,be vocal for animal cruelty and demand for strict laws. Because as we are, they are also member of this planet and have equal right to live peacefully.
-Saurabh Choudhari
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