A closer look at India-Nepal border dispute

A recent inauguration of link road to mansarovar yatra has posed outrage in Nepal. The connectivity of road is from Dharchula to Lipulekh (China border) and known as Kailash Mansoravar yatra route. Nepal didn’t think that a road project in this territory would get inaugurated so hastily. The reaction of Nepal was unexpected, as if they weren’t aware about the construction of road.

     After protest hit’s the streets of Nepal, government of Nepal immediately introduced their new map including disputed region in their map and after this the disagreement started between two countries,the countries where the countrymen of both countries can cross border without visa. This disagreement has disturbed the harmony of the two nations. Without knowing history we cannot know which country has stronger point.

       Let us dig deeper. In 19th century when India was under Britishers,ever since Britishers wanted to acquire Nepal but they failed to do so. After several unsuccessful attempts to get control over Nepal, they signed treaty (sugauli Treaty 1816) with the monarch of Nepal. As per the Sugauli Treaty (1816) all the territories east of kali (mahakali) river , including Limpiyadhura , Kalapani and Lipulekh belong to Nepal. But after some time British government realized the significance of this region, as this region was the main route for trade with China, so they brought back this region with dexterity, And the monarch of Nepal never objected on the move made by British. Democracy began in Nepal in 1990, ever since this tussle is going on. The Sagauli Treaty outlines the east of Mahakali River as Nepal territory and the west of it as India's territory. The dispute today is with the origin of Kali river. The Boundary committee constituted in the year 2000 failed to resolve the issue.


Article 8 of India-Nepal Friendship Treaty says “ so far as matters dealt with herein are concerned this Treaty cancels all previous Treaties , agreements and engagements entered into on behalf of India between the British government and the government of Nepal “. Though this treaty dose not include boundaries of both the countries.(treaty)

 Nepal government wants to solve this matter, but Indian government denying their proposal, by saying “Due to lock-down we cannot solve the issue immediately”. On this Nepal government said “If the inauguration of road could take place amidst lock-down by video conferencing, then why this issue could not be solved amidst lock-down.

  I think it is now high time to solve matter that has disturbed the calm between two countries. India should not deny their proposal even during COVID-19 crisis. Both nations have to live in Harmony again.


- Saurabh Choudhari



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